Top 3 Dental Conditions for Cats
Your cat is your best friend. You know that you can count on them to be there for you when you need a cuddle or just want to talk about the day. But did you know that your cat also has needs? One of those needs is dental care.
Dental disease is one of the most common health conditions in cats—it can cause pain, discomfort, and emotional distress. If left untreated, it can lead to serious health problems like heart disease and kidney failure.
To help you keep your pet healthy and happy, we've put together this list of the top 3 dental condition for cats that require special attention:
As with humans, gingivitis in cats causes inflammation of their gum tissue, which can lead to gum disease if not treated early on. It may also cause cavities on your cat's teeth because they're unable to brush away plaque buildup as effectively as humans do.
Treatment for cats with gingivitis usually involves professional cleaning of their teeth by a veterinarian once every six months or so; however, you should still brush your cat's teeth daily and provide them with dental treats whenever possible so that they'll be less likely to develop the periodontal disease later on in life.
Periodontitis is a chronic dental disease that affects the tissues and bones surrounding the teeth. It can lead to tooth loss and gum recession, which can affect the cat's ability to chew food.
The most common cause of periodontitis in cats is plaque, which is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on your cat's teeth every time he eats or drinks. Plaque contains hundreds of different types of bacteria. Some types are harmless, but others can cause inflammation that destroys the gums and bones that support the teeth. To prevent this, provide your cats with a healthy diet that promotes good oral health.
Tooth Resorption
A process known as tooth resorption occurs when the dentin, a hard tissue found beneath the tooth's enamel, erodes and ultimately becomes irreparably damaged. Tooth resorption can occur as a result of trauma or infection, but it can also affect cats who have no apparent cause.
The most common symptoms are pain in the mouth and changes to your cat's eating habits. Your cat may stop eating because of the pain or because they do not want to chew on the affected area. You may notice that your pet is drooling more than usual, especially after they've eaten or drank something cold. They may also develop problems with their jaw joint if the resorbed tooth has weakened it.
Give Your Cat the Same Access to Dental Care As You Do!
Your cat’s dental health is important for their overall health. Just like people, animals need clean teeth to stay healthy.
At Veterinary Care Unlimited, we will ensure that your cat has a healthy mouth and clean teeth. We can also help you prevent dental problems from developing in the future by offering comprehensive dental care.
So, if you're looking for a dental clinic that offers high-quality, affordable care for your cat's teeth, book an appointment with us today. Because we believe that your cat has the same access to quality dental care as you do.
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